Getting Started
Many Linux distributions include Borg in their package managers. In Fedora it is referred to as borgbackup. In this case you would install borg by running the following:
$ sudo dnf install borgbackup
Alternately, you can download a precompiled version from Borg Github Releases, which allows you to install Borg as an unprivileged user. You can do so with following commands (they may need to be adjusted to get the latest version):
$ cd ~/bin
$ wget
$ wget
$ gpg --recv-keys 6D5BEF9ADD2075805747B70F9F88FB52FAF7B393
$ gpg --verify borg-linux64.asc
$ rm borg-linux64.asc
$ chmod 755 borg-linux64
Finally, you can install it using pip:
$ pip install borgbackup==2.0.0b14
Download and install Assimilate as follows (requires Python3.6 or better):
$ pip install assimilate
Or, if you want the development version, use:
$ git clone
$ pip install ./assimilate
You may also need to install and configure either a notification daemon or a mail daemon. This allows errors to be reported when you are not running Assimilate in a terminal. More information can be found by reading about the notifier and notify Assimilate settings.
Finally, if you want Assimilate to send you email if something goes wrong, you will need local mail support. Specifically, if you do not have the mailx command, you will need to install a mail server such as PostFix_ and configure it as a null client.
Configuring Assimilate to Backup A Home Directory
The basic idea behind Assimilate is that you place all information relevant to your backups in two configuration files, which allows you to use Assimilate to perform tasks without re-specifying that information. Assimilate allows you to have any number of setups, which you might want if you wanted to backup to multiple repositories for redundancy or if you want to use different rules for different sets of files. Regardless, you use a separate configuration for each set up, plus there is a common configuration file shared by all setups. You are free to place most settings in either file, whichever is most convenient. All the configuration files are placed in ~/.config/assimilate. If you run Assimilate without creating your configuration files, Assimilate will create some starter files for you. A configuration is specified using Python, thus the content of these files is formatted as Python code and is read by a Python interpreter.
As a demonstration on how to configure Assimilate, imagine wanting to back up your home directory in two ways. First, you want to backup the files to an off-site server. Here the expectation is that you would backup once a day on average and you would do so interactively so that you can choose an appropriate time. Second, you have some free space on your machine that you would like to dedicate to recent snapshots of your files. The idea is that you find that you occasionally overwrite or delete files that you just spent time creating, and you want to run local backups every 10-15 minutes so that you can easily recover these files. To accomplish these two things, you need three configuration files.
Configuration for a Remote Repository: backups
The second file is the configuration file for backups:
repository: backups:archives
prefix: {host_name}-
encryption: keyfile-blake2-chacha20-poly1305
passphrase: crone excess mandate bedpost
src_dirs: ~
- ~/.cache
- **/*~
- **/.git
- **/__pycache__
- **/.*.swp
exclude_if_present: .nobackup
check_after_create: 'latest
prune_after_create: 'yes
compact_after_delete: 'yes
keep_daily: 7
keep_weekly: 4
keep_monthly: 12
keep_yearly: 2
This configuration assumes that you have a backups entry in your SSH config file that contains the appropriate user name, host name, port number, and such for the server that contains your remote repository. It also assumes that you have shared an SSH key with this server so you do not need to specify a password each time you back up, and that that key is pre-loaded into your SSH agent. The repository is actually in the archives directory on that server, and each back-up archive will be prefixed with your local host name, allowing you to share this repository with other machines.
You specify what to backup using src_dirs and what not to backup using
excludes. Nominally both src_dirs and excludes take lists of strings, but
you can also specify them using a single string, in which case the strings are
broken into individual lines, any blank lines or lines that begin with #
ignored, and then the white space is removed from the front and back of each
This configuration file ends with settings that tell Assimilate to run check and prune operations after creating a backup, and it gives the desired prune schedule.
This is just an example, and a rather minimal one at that. You should not use it without understanding each of the settings. The encryption setting is a particularly important one for you to understand and set properly. More comprehensive information about configuring Assimilate can be found in the section on Configuring.
With this configuration, you can now initialize your repository and use it to perform backups. If the repository does not yet exist, initialize it using:
$ assimilate init
Then perform a back up using:
$ assimilate create
or simply:
$ assimilate
This works because create is the default action and backups is the default configuration.
Then, you can convince yourself it is working as expected by moving a directory out of the way and using Assimilate to restore it:
$ mv bin bin-saved
$ assimilate restore bin
Configuration for a Local Repository: snapshots
The third file is the configuration file for snapshots:
repository: /mnt/snapshots/{user_name}
prefix: {config_name}-
encryption: none
src_dirs: ~
- ~/.cache
- **/*~
- **/.git
- **/__pycache__
- **/.*.swp
prune_after_create: 'yes
compact_after_delete: 'yes
keep_within: 1d
In this case the repository is on the local machine and it is not encrypted. It again backs up your home directory, but for this configuration the archives are only kept for a day.
The repository must be initialized before it can be used:
$ assimilate -c snapshots init
Here the desired configuration was specified because it is not the default. Now,
a cron entry can be created using crontab -e
that creates a snapshot every
10 minutes:
*/10 * * * * assimilate --config snapshots --mute create
Once it has run, you can pull a file from the latest snapshot using:
$ assimilate -c snapshots restore passwords.gpg
Configuring Assimilate to Backup an Entire Machine
The primary difference between this example and the previous is that Assimilate needs to be configured and run by root. This allows all the files on the machine to be backed up regardless of who owns them. Other than being root, the mechanics are very much the same.
To start, run assimilate as root to create the initial configuration files:
# assimilate
This creates the /root/.config/assimilate directory in the root account and populates it with three files: shared.conf.nt, root.conf.nt, home.conf.nt. You can delete home.conf.nt. And since there will only be one config, you can also delete shared.conf.nt. Instead, all the settings can be placed in root.conf.nt:
repository: backups:backups/{host_name}
archive: {config_name}-{{now}}
passphrase: 'western teaser landfall spearhead'
encryption: 'repokey-blake2-chacha20-poly1305'
src_dirs: /
- /dev
- /home/*/.cache
- /proc
- /root/.cache
- /run
- /sys
- /tmp
- /var
check_after_create: 'latest
compact_after_delete: 'yes
prune_after_create: 'yes
keep_daily: 7
keep_weekly: 4
keep_monthly: 12
Again, this is a rather minimal example. In this case, repokey is used as the encryption method, which is only suitable if the repository is on a server you control.
When backing up the root file system it is important to exclude directories that cannot or should not be backed up. Those include: /dev, /proc, /run, /sys, and /tmp.
As before you need to initialize the repository before it can be used:
# assimilate repo-create
To assure that the backups are run daily, the following is added to /etc/cron.daily/assimilate:
# Run root backups
assimilate --mute --config root create
This is preferred for laptops because cron.daily is guaranteed to run each day as long as machine is turned on for any reasonable length of time.