QuantiPhy Eval — Computations with Physical Quantities ====================================================== .. image:: https://pepy.tech/badge/quantiphy_eval/month :target: https://pepy.tech/project/quantiphy_eval .. image:: https://github.com/KenKundert/quantiphy_eval/actions/workflows/build.yaml/badge.svg :target: https://github.com/KenKundert/quantiphy_eval/actions/workflows/build.yaml .. image:: https://coveralls.io/repos/github/KenKundert/quantiphy_eval/badge.svg?branch=master :target: https://coveralls.io/github/KenKundert/quantiphy_eval?branch=master .. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/quantiphy_eval.svg :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/quantiphy_eval .. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/quantiphy_eval.svg :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/quantiphy_eval/ :Author: Ken Kundert :Version: 0.5.0 :Released: 2022-09-02 A companion to `QuantiPhy `_, *quantiphy_eval* evaluates strings containing simple algebraic expressions that involve quantities. It returns a quantity. For example:: >>> from quantiphy_eval import evaluate >>> avg_price = evaluate('($1.2M + $1.3M)/2', '$') >>> print(avg_price) $1.25M >>> avg_freq = evaluate('(122.317MHz + 129.349MHz)/2', 'Hz') >>> print(avg_freq) 125.83 MHz *QuantiPhy Eval* is used in `networth `_ to allow you to give your estimated values using expressions that include numbers that have units, SI scale factors, and commas. That allows you the convenience of copy-and-pasting your numbers from websites without being forced to reformat them. With *QuantiPhy* the units do not survive operations, so you can specify the resolved units using the second argument. In fact, the second argument is passed to *QuantiPhy* as the `model `_, which allows you to give the return value a name and description along with units, as demonstrated in the next example. By default *QuantiPhy Eval* provides no built-in constants. However, you can add your own constants:: >>> from quantiphy import Quantity >>> from quantiphy_eval import evaluate, initialize >>> import math >>> my_constants = dict( ... k = Quantity('k'), ... q = Quantity('q'), ... T = Quantity('25°C', scale='K'), ... π = Quantity(math.pi), ... τ = Quantity(math.tau), ... ) >>> initialize(variables=my_constants) >>> Vt = evaluate('k*T/q', 'Vt V thermal voltage') >>> print(Vt.render(show_label='f')) Vt = 25.693 mV — thermal voltage Alternatively, you can specify the model directly in the text passed to *evaluate*. Simply append it in the form of a double-quoted string:: >>> Vt = evaluate('k*T/q "Vt V thermal voltage"') >>> print(Vt.render(show_label='f')) Vt = 25.693 mV — thermal voltage You can also use *evaluate* to assign values to names directly, *QuantiPhy Eval* remembers these values between calls to *evaluate*:: >>> f_0 = evaluate('f₀ = 1MHz') >>> omega_0 = evaluate('ω₀ = τ*f₀ "rads/s"') >>> print(omega_0.render(show_label=True)) ω₀ = 6.2832 Mrads/s Similarly, *QuantiPhy Eval* provides no built-in functions by default, but you can add any you need:: >>> def median(*args): ... args = sorted(args) ... l = len(args) ... m = l//2 ... if l % 2: ... return args[m] ... return (args[m] + args[m-1])/2 >>> initialize(functions = dict(median=median)) >>> median_price = evaluate('median($636122, $749151, $706781)', '$') >>> print(median_price.fixed(show_commas=True)) $706,781 *initialize* takes three arguments, *variables*, *functions* and *quantity*. Both *arguments* and *functions* take dictionaries that overwrite any previously saved values. *quantity* takes a *quantiphy* *Quantity* class. The return value of *evaluate* will be an object of this class. *rm_commas* is a function for removing commas from an expression. This is used if your number contain commas. Simply stripping the commas it would prevent you from using multi-argument functions. However after removing the commas *rm_commas* also converts semicolons to commas. So the previous example could be rewritten as:: >>> from quantiphy_eval import evaluate, rm_commas >>> median_price = evaluate( ... rm_commas('median($636,122; $749,151; $706,781)'), ... '$', ... ) >>> print(median_price.fixed(show_commas=True)) $706,781 *QuantiPhy Eval* supports comments. A ``#`` and anything that follows it to the end of the line is ignored:: >>> average_price = evaluate( ... rm_commas(''' ... median( ... $636,122 + # Zillow ... $749,151 + # Redfin ... $706,781 # Trulia ... )/3 ... '''), ... '$' ... ) >>> print(average_price.fixed(show_commas=True, prec=2, strip_zeros=False)) $697,351.33 Finally, *QuantiPhy Eval* uses `inform.Error `_ for error reporting:: >>> from inform import Error >>> try: ... Vt = evaluate('kT/q', 'V') ... print(Vt) ... except Error as e: ... print(str(e)) kT: variable unknown. Releases -------- **Latest development release**: | Version: 0.5.0 | Released: 2022-09-02 **0.5 (2022-09-02)**: - refactor the project structure - provide *qe* example, a simple calculator **0.4 (2021-01-27)**: - Add ability to explicitly specify units (or model) in evaluated string. **0.3 (2020-08-12)**: - complete re-write, parser now implemented with ply rather than pyparsing. - all built-in constants and functions have been removed. - split *evaluate* into two: *evaluate* and *initialize*. **0.2 (2020-03-06)**: - *rm_commas* now converts semicolons to commas - support comments **0.1 (2020-03-05)**: - Add support for user-defined constants and functions. - add *rm_commas* function. **0.0 (2020-02-14)**: Initial version.