.. currentmodule:: inform Releases ======== Latest development release -------------------------- | Version: 1.28.2 | Released: 2023-11-08 - Change *strip_nl* keys for :func:`dedent()`. 1.28 (2023-03-20) ----------------- - Use critical urgency by default with notifier if message is an error. - Ignore BrokenPipeError. - Add *full_width* argument to :func:`render_bar`. - Require secondary arguments to :class:`Color` be keyword arguments. - Require secondary arguments to :class:`plural` be keyword arguments. - Add *max_col_width* parameter to :func:`columns`. - Added type hints. .. warning:: :class:`Color` and :class:`plural` now requires secondary arguments to be specified by name. 1.27 (2022-09-15) ----------------- - Add markers to :class:`ProgressBar`. - Change order of arguments to :func:`dedent`. - Drop support for Python 2. 1.26 (2021-09-15) ----------------- - Added :func:`dedent`. - Added :class:`LoggingCache`. 1.25 (2021-07-07) ----------------- - Allow culprits to be falsy. 1.24 (2021-05-18) ----------------- - Defer evaluation of *stdout* and *stderr*. 1.23 (2020-08-26) ----------------- - Strip out empty culprits and codicils. 1.22 (2020-08-24) ----------------- - Added *clone* argument to :class:`InformantFactory`. 1.21 (2020-07-20) ----------------- - Allow :class:`ProgressBar` output to be suppressed. - Allow ``/`` to be overridden in :class:`plural` - Various enhancements to :func:`conjoin` and :func:`full_stop`. - Added :func:`parse_range` and :func:`format_range` functions. - Added :func:`title_case` function. 1.20 (2020-01-08) ----------------- - Add *format* method to :class:`plural`. 1.19 (2019-09-25) ----------------- - Minor fixes. 1.18 (2019-08-10) ----------------- - Wrap now applies to codicils passed as arguments. - Enhance :class:`plural` (now supports pluralizing verbs). - Add *fmt* argument to :func:`conjoin()`. - Support *template* attribute on subclasses of :class:`Error`. 1.17 (2019-05-16) ----------------- - Added :func:`is_mapping()` 1.16 (2019-04-27) ----------------- - Add end support to :func:`join()`. - Allow previous logfile to be saved. - Allow urgency to be specified on notifications. - Allow :func:`render()` support in user-defined classes with addition of special methods. 1.15 (2019-01-16) ----------------- - Added *error_status* argument to :class:`Inform`. - Enhanced :class:`plural`. This enhancement is not backward compatible. - Enhance for :func:`render()` to allow it to be used in a __repr__ function. 1.14 (2018-12-03) ----------------- - Added :func:`render_bar` utility function. - Added :class:`ProgressBar` class. - Added :class:`Info` class. - Added :meth:`Inform.join_culprit` method and :func:`join_culprit`. - Allow culprit to be passed into :meth:`Error.report()` and :meth:`Error.terminate()`. - Added :meth:`Error.reraise` method. - Allow a codicil or codicils to be added to any informant. - Added *codicil* named argument to informants and :class:`Error`. - Added *informant* named argument to :class:`Error`. - Use colorscheme of active informer as default for colorizers. - :meth:`Error.get_culprit` now returns a tuple rather than a string. - Added :meth:`Error.join_culprit`. - Added :meth:`Error.get_codicil`. 1.13 (2018-08-11) ----------------- - Added :func:`aaa()` debug function. - Added exit argument to :func:`done()`, :func:`terminate()`, and :func:`terminate_if_errors()`. - :func:`terminate()` now produces an exit status of 0 if there was no errors reported. - Added :func:`set_culprit()`, :func:`add_culprit()` and :func:`get_culprit()`. 1.12 (2018-02-18) ----------------- - do not use notify override on continuations. - tidied up a bit. 1.11 (2017-12-25) ----------------- - Released the documentation. - Added ability to override template in :class:`Error`. - Added *stream_policy* option. - Added *notify_if_no_tty* option. - Informers now stack, so disconnecting from an existing informer reinstates the previous informer. - Generalize :func:`cull()`. - Add support for multiple templates. - Added :func:`join()` function.