Nurdletech includes a set of notes and utilities that I have put on the web in the hope that they might be useful to others.
Everything you find here is unique in some way. After all, why else would I go to the trouble of creating them. Also, as a long time Unix user I buy into the idea of leveraging tools to make the creation of new tools easier. So in the utilities I offer here you will see a heavy dependence on tools and features available in Linux, such as vim, ssh, gnupg, and python. This generally makes my tools uncomfortable for those that do not have long experience with Linux. However, for those that do know Linux well, you might find some things here that are helpful to you. If so, please pay it forward.
- Linux Utilities
- Abraxas Collaborative Password Utility (deprecated)
- Add SSH Keys
- Assimilate — Front-End to Borg Backup
- Avendesora Collaborative Password Utility
- Avendesora Export — Exports Selected Accounts to a Remote Host
- Borg-Space — Report and track the size of your Borg repositories
- Bump — Semantic Versioning
- bw-export — Export Avendesora Accounts to BitWarden
- Engineering Calculator
- Emborg — Front-End to Borg Backup
- engfmt — Engineering Format (deprecated)
- excavate — Dig to understand disk usage over time
- fvi — Find and Edit With VI
- Inform — Printing & Logging Utilities
- Metadata — Edit Music File Metadata with your Favorite Text Editor
- MP — Music Player
- Networth — Summarize Your Net Worth
- NestedText — A Human Friendly Data Format
- ntLog — Append a file into an running NestedText log
- Extended Pathlib
- PostMortem — Generates Packets of Useful Information for Partners and Dependents to be Opened Upon Death
- PSF Utils
- Remind — Schedule Notification Reminders
- RKM Codes — Number format for compact robust labels
- RLC Chart — Impedance Chart with Capacitance and Inductance Grids
- QuantiPhy — Physical Quantities
- QuantiPhy Eval — Computations with Physical Quantities
- Scripts — Scripting Utilities (deprecated)
- ShLib — Shell Library
- SSHconfig — Configure SSH for Your Current Network
- SSHdeploy — Update and Distribute SSH Key Files
- SVG Schematic
- ToTZ — Converts Date and Time to a New Time Zone
- TVM — Time Value of Money
- Vdiff — Efficiently Move Differences Between Two Files Using Vim
- Linux Notes